In The News

A Clash of Cultures?

AP Reports – Several deer hunters in Wisconsin came across a stranger in their tree stand. When they asked him to leave, he opened fire until his semiautomatic assault rifle’s 20 round clip was empty, leaving five people dead and three wounded. Why?

November 23, 2004

AP Reports – Several deer hunters in
Wisconsin came across a stranger in their tree stand. When they asked him to leave, he opened fire until his semiautomatic assault rifle’s 20 round clip was empty, leaving five people dead and three wounded. Why? No one is sure. But we do know that the shooter is Chai Vang, 36 a hunter from St. Paul, Minnesota. He is a member of the Twin Cities’ Hmong community, who originally came to the U.S. as refugees from Laos. According to AP, there have been previous clashes between Southeast Asians and White hunters in the region. Locals have complained that the Hmong don’t understand the concept of private property and sometimes hunt wherever they see fit.

Well now blood has been drawn. Vang must have mistaken the hunters for talking deer or he thought it was open season on White people. Will White people declare open season on Southeast Asians. Hopefully the authorities have enough sense to bring in outside help to intervene in this mess. Let’s see what happens next on this one.

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About Michael T. McPhearson