So my son is back and I visited him this past weekend. I spent great quality time with my son and his family (wife and two sons). He seems to be doing very well. No signs of PTSD, at least not yet, so far so good. I am very happy he is back and I know I am blessed. He and his family are blessed.
I also know that there are many, many mothers and fathers who are not so blessed and will never see their child alive and there are many more that have their child, but the kid is not the same person who left. There are families who wonder everyday if that day will be the last for their love one. They wonder how they will make it through the next 24 hours. What is most amazing is that many of these young people who are trying to make it from day to day are being asked to return to Iraq. Many of these young people have tried to commit suicide, but this matters little. They are being ordered to go back.
Some flee and some go back. I ask why are soldiers who are contemplating or have tried suicide being forced to return to combat. I already know the answer. Our civilian leaders say support the troops, but the truth is that they don’t give a damn about the troops. They only care about their policy objectives, no matter how outlandish, misguided, dishonest or unjust. It does not matter. Just do as you’re told. You are expendable. You are a pawn in the strategic game of power. Do your job and your family will be rewarded with a military funeral, a flag and if they (you) are lucky a burial in Arlington.