Trying Again!

Hi Ya’ll,

I’m going to try this again. I have not tried to blog in over a year. It’s been so long that when I tried to blog here this morning it appeared was gone. The site seemd to be down, so I stated another blog at blogspot. Thank goodness this is still alive and kick’n.

So here I am again. I first tried in 2004 when my son was thinking about going in the Army. I did not keep it up. A lot has happened since then, like he went to
Iraq for a year. He had a son, got married and had another son. So I am a grandfather. One child died from a genetic spinal degenerative disease. My son is out of the Army. He and his wife have split up and he is trying to go on with his life after this traumatic episode with marriage, war and death. he is doing OK, but he is thinking about working for a contractor KBR in Iraq.

Of course I am not happy about it, but one can only advise your children, they are going to do want they want.

So here I am again trying to blog and this time I hope I can keep it up.

I am prompted to try again by the Presidential race, specifically with Obama’s VP pick Joe Bidden. More about that later.

So here we go.




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About Michael T. McPhearson