It is Time for Us to Leave Both Afghanistan and Iraq

VFP members protest in front of White House

Facebook White House Wall Note

President Obama,

I voted for you with great joy. I had confidence early in the race that you would win. I am happy that you did because I am excited to see our country elect a person who looks like me to the White House. I know that it gives many Black youth a new height of achievement to endeavor to reach. Just last Sunday I saw a Black toddler with a bib stating “A Future US President.” No longer is this a wishful or historic dream, but an illustrated possibility by your election. You have opened the door for many other people including women. I must admit at 45 yrs old, your story has inspired me. 🙂

However, I also cried before you were elected knowing that no one can be President of the United States or lead most any country and not have blood on their hands. I knew that many of the same policies that crush people under the heal of US dominance would continue. Yet I hoped and prayed that we could make some difference in changing the course of our nation towards more just and peaceful policies under your Administration.

Today you have an opportunity for you to continue in the tradition of a giant who made it possible for you to be President. Dr. King would not have supported this war. I am sure you know this. I am sure he would have supported your election, while also standing against U.S. military dominance and aggression. I would be surprised if you have not read his Beyond Vietnam speech, so I will go no further. I simply ask you to do what needs to be done, not only to save U.S. lives, but to move this country from being the greatest purveyor of violence in the world to the greatest example of peace and justice. It is time for us to leave both Afghanistan and Iraq. War/military solutions will not make us safer. Resources are needed to uplift people, not to destroy them.

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About Michael T. McPhearson