Heading to Get My Bike and a 1000 Miles Back

Later today I leave to begin a little adventure. I am riding my motorcycle from Saint Louis, MO back to Newark NJ. That is over 1000 miles. I have never ridden my bike more than an hour or around fifty miles at one time. This is a challenge for me. However I know that thousands of people ride their motorcycles cross country every year. My trip is an adventure for me but in the larger scheme it is rather ordinary. Which for me is good, so this ride should not be a problem.

One of the experiences I enjoyed most about my time with VFP was that I could find myself sleeping in a tent, the back of a van or under the stars. I like to do an easy night camping every now and then so traveling across country with a tent, sleeping bag and pad is a must.  To prepare I purchased the gear from REI. It all fits neatly in my Tour Master bag. Before I leave I will pack a black duffel bag with the clothes I think I will need on the trip. The idea is to put my clothes and gear in 2 bags. One bag will fit on the luggage rack; the other on the passenger seat. I’ll put my computer in a small ruck on my back. This leaves me the two saddlebags for rain-gear and misc stuff like food.

I want to make talking to people a big part of the trip. What are people thinking? I have never talked to a person who IDs as a Tea Party member. How do people feel about the economy? What do they think about the wars? Do people think the nation is going in the right direction?  Has living in the time of the first Black president made a difference in Black people’s lives? What do people think should happen next? How many Laker fans will I run into? I hope to get a glimpse into what is talked about and happening in our great country.

More to come as I see and hear it.


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About Michael T. McPhearson