I went to a Rainbow Flag raising in Newark, New Jersey in front of City Hall to to kickoff Newark Essex Gay Pride Week. Mayor Cory Booker was in attendance. He gave wonderful heartfelt remarks. Most all of the speeches were inspiring. I was especially happy to see the young leadership from high school on up. Watch the videos and you will be impressed with the quality of the speakers and their commitment. They presented a wonderful vision of the human family as the Beloved Community where everyone is respected and we all care for and about each other. It was not a kumbia moment. The Mayor reminded everyone that while much has been accomplished, there is still much hate in Newark and we have work to do to change it. He reminded us that people have been murdered in Newark for being part of the GLBTQ community. He challenged us to be warriors of justice, warriors of peace, warriors of love. He paraphrased Dr. Martin Luther King’s words, “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” The Mayor’s speech is worth the listen.
If you are in the Newark area, checkout www.newarkessexpride.org/events.php for local events. If you are outside the area, Google local Pride Week activities. Attend at least one event this week. We must support each other and turn the world from hate to a new day of King’s Beloved Community.
Newark-Essex Pride Week-Flag Raising, June 7, 2010.
Part One Darnell Moore -Newark-Essex Pride Coalition and Newark’s LGBT Advisory Commission , George – Central High School Senior, Jacquelyn Holland – Liberation In Truth Unity Fellowship Church.
Part – Two Ketlen Alsbrook Newark Department of Child & Family Well-Being. These remarks are very good.
Part Three Bryan Epps – CEO Newark Pride Alliance, Ronald Rice – Newark City Council
Part Four Thanking June for her vision of Newark, Gay Pride Week followed by remarks by Cory Booker.
Part Five Continuation of remarks by Cory Booker.