How Is The War Economy Working For You?

Across the country people are hurting from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Our nation’s economy teeters on the brink of a double dip recession. Unemployment remains close to 10 % with millions more who have simply given up searching for a job, but are not officially counted as part of the unemployment rate. Cities and municipalities around the nation have lost tax revenue forcing officials to close schools and parks, layoff workers, and

One of thousands of abandon buildings in Detroit.

discontinue or reduce important sometimes life saving services.  Cities are rapidly deteriorating as more and more businesses close and homes are foreclosed. There is no one to take care of these empty buildings, so they stand lifeless and begin to crumble. The nation is in fiscal disorder as we continue to run record deficits and an ever growing debt.  In an effort to curtail expenditures, the President has pledged to freeze spending for everything but the military because national security is a top priority. But national security begins at home and more and more people are feeling insecure every day.

Detroit Emergency Medical Technicians fighting layoffs reducing the city to 12 ambulances.

Detroit Emergency Medical Technicians fight layoffs reducing the city to 13 ambulances.

The over 1 trillion dollars spent on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are certainly not helping our domestic economic security. The money seems to be at best partially or at worst wholly wasted on efforts to continue foreign policy objectives that cannot be accomplished via military force.  A political solution is needed to bring stability to Afghanistan, but is made less likely every time U.S. forces kill civilians . In fact, civilian deaths cause more anger and distrust leading to more insurgents. Solutions in Iraq are in the hands of the Iraqis, but continued U.S. troop presence is a point of anger for key sections of the population.

A strong economy, with long term sutainiable growth calls for fiscal responsibility and domestic investment in human needs that will also result in new sustainable jobs. We must spend money to reorient our economy on a path of environmental sustainability, a healthy population and global competitiveness. Military spending is the largest portion of the U.S. federal budget and nearly half the world’s total expenditure. In 2008, the  world’s total military spending was $1.47 trillion with the U.S. portion at $711 billion or 48%. U.S. 2010 military budget is $719 billion with increases to $739 billion projected. We cannot continue to allow military spending to dominate our budget and at the same time invest in a bright future. Security and defense is essential. But a new foreign policy, much less reliant on military bases and war with cooperation and pursuit of solving global environmental and human needs challenges at its center is the only way to ensure global security and economic growth. Right now we have a war economy. How is it working for you?

Veterans For Peace, ” How Is The War Economy Working For You?” Why drop the banner?

Veterans For Peace, ” How Is The War Economy Working For You?” banner drop.

” How Is The War Economy Working For Detroit?” Ask the EMTs and the people they serve.

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About Michael T. McPhearson