Why was Defarra Gaymon and unarmed person killed by a police officer?

You can help find out why this man is dead.

  • Learn about the story here.
  • Spread the word. Let others know that an unarmed man was killed by police in Branch Brook Park. People must be active to stop violence in their communities. The role of the police is to serve and protect the public. In that role the police have been given great leeway in decision-making. They have within their job description the duty to take life to protect those they have sworn to serve and the license to kill if under threat of losing their own life. This gives them great power and responsibility. We must scrutinize each incident of death by police with great care to ensure innocent officers are not persecuted, policies and training that leads to tragedies are corrected or eliminated and bad cops are prosecuted.
  • Write Attorney and General Paula T. Dow. Ask her to open an investigation. Read this sample request to Paula Dow . Once you send a letter to the attorney general forward a copy to peacsign@cpeace.com or mail to POP, PO Box 22505, Newark, N.J. 07101. We  will send them to the Gaymon family.
  • Join the People’s Organization for Progress and help work on community and police relations. It will only get better if we work at. Write peacsign@cpeace.com or POP, PO Box 22505, Newark, N.J. 07101, Call: (973)-801-0001
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About Michael T. McPhearson