Pelosi announces run for minority leader amidst concerns by many Democrats

Washington (CNN) — Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she will run for minority leader in the new Congress, even as some moderate and conservative Democrats insisted she should step aside.

“Many of our colleagues have called with their recommendations on how to continue our fight for the middle class, and have encouraged me to run for House Democratic Leader,” she said in a written statement. “Based on those discussions, and driven by the urgency of protecting health care reform, Wall Street reform, and Social Security and Medicare, I have decided to run.”
Pelosi, who initially announced her intentions via Twitter, was going to meet with her heir apparent, Republican Rep. John Boehner, on Friday afternoon, a Democratic aide said. Boehner had no comment. In the wake of Tuesday’s Republican takeover of the House, Republicans will move into the majority positions in the new Congress, which convenes in January, while Democrats assume the minority positions. Full story here
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About Michael T. McPhearson