FOX caught telling lie: Ron Paul not booed

Ron Paul won this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference’s presidential candidate straw poll. This is second time Paul won this poll at the largest gathering of Conservative activist. he was booed last year. This year he won to cheers. But that is not how FOX news told the story. Watch the video below. First you will see CSPAN  footage of this year’s announcement of Paul’s win. It will then cut to a FOX news broadcast of a lead in to an interview with Paul. If you had not seen the CSPAN clip and based on Fox newscaster Bill Hemmer’s question about the boos, you are led to believe the boos happened this year. Then Fox has the nerve to show Ron Paul speaking at this year’s CPAC . Read about it here.

Follow this link to see an even more outrageous use of film when FOX attempts to make a crowd look larger by using footage from a different rally so many months earlier that the season had changed. FOX is a trip and FOX is dangerous.

Michael T. McPhearson

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