The Lighter Side: India’s foreign minister criticised for UN speech gaffe

Talk about a stupid mistake. The Indian Foreign Minister read for 3 minutes from someone else’s speech. Three minutes! How does that happen?

Writes the BBC:

“Explaining the blunder, Mr. Krishna said these things happen because many of these speeches make the same initial points.

“There were so many papers spread in front of me so by mistake the wrong speech was taken out,” the Press Trust of India (PTI) quoted Mr. Krishna as saying.

I believe the UN or something like it is vital to the future of a peaceful and just globe. However, if Mr. Krishna is correct when he claims that at least the opening of speeches and comments are so identical that three minutes in one cannot be distinguished from the other, then the U.N. waste a lot of time; a whole lot of time.

Seriously, no one believes that. I gathered from the articles I read that many Indians are embarrassed. In the midst of having to address the nation’s demand to clean up corruption in government, Prime Minister Singh find himself distracted explaining why one of his top officials did something so silly.  I think dude should own up to his mistake. At best you simply were not paying attention, did not feel good and telephoned in your speech. Worse case you never write your speeches or read them before hand and really should be demoted.

Michael T. McPhearson

Read the story here.

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