Here is a piece of news that should come as no surprise to anyone who is paying attention to what is happening to the men and women of our Armed Forces. Do you think the increase in the number of suicides over the past 6 years is an indicator? Or perhaps the simple fact that services members have deployed up to 6 times with no end in sight.
What gets me is that I know official pronouncements always lag behind reality. Especially in a “suck it up and drive on” environment. If the military has admitted that the Special Forces are stressed, then many of the soldiers are broken…far too many.
Once again I point out that in order to fix this problem there must be a radical change in U.S. foreign policy. Endless war is not the answer. Al Qeada is well in its way to losing the masses of the Arab world because death and war has been their only answer. Their lose does not necessarily translate into Muslims embracing the West. Hearts and minds are not won with guns. An emphasis on life softens hearts and wins minds. Nothing less will do.