Interview with Larry Hamm Chairman of People’s Organization for Progress

This is a 3 part interview with Larry Hamm the chairman of the Newark, NJ based statewide grassroots organization popularly known as POP.

I talked  to Larry Hamm about POP’s street actions. On June 27, 2010, POP launched daily street protests to energize and empower the average person to demand change and take action. This is an interview on Aug 15, after day 50 of the protest.

POP is demanding a national jobs program, an end to the current wars and the money wasted to wage them be spent to meet human needs and rebuild the U.S. economy and for the government to support workers’ collective bargaining rights.

Part 1: Day 50 of POP Daily Action

Part 2: Greenspan and surplus assets sitting

Part 3: Surplus assets and my rant about patriotism

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About Michael T. McPhearson