Earlier today I left messages for Senators Menendez and Lautenberg of NJ. I have serious concerns about the National Defense Authorization Act.
1. There is a provision that gives the President unlimited power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. This means anyone of us too. I asked them to support Senator Udall’s amendment to strike these provisions.
2. I asked them to oppose an amendment being put forth by Senator Ayottee that will allow harsh and aggressive interrogation tactics, the kind I would not want any of our soldiers to face. We can’t expect our troops not to be tortured if we torture, not to mention that it is wrong and tramples on our commitment to human rights.
3. I hope they support an amendment from Senator Shaheen that will allow women who have experienced rape or incest to receive full coverage from their insurance for abortions. Right now they would have to pay for it themselves. That is crazy.
Call your Senator. Follow this link to find their contact info.
The Act is up for debate and vote today or tomorrow.
Here is a link that talks about the indefinite detention aspect of the act.