Interview With Iraq Veteran Scott Olsen U.S.A. Today

Scott Olsen is a U.S. Marine veteran who served in Iraq. His experiences have led him to the conclusion that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq do not serve the interest of the people of the United States, the Iraqis or Afghans.  After he was discharged from the Corp, he began to work to bring his brothers and sisters home from the wars. On October 25, 2011, while participating in Occupy Oakland, Scott  suffered a skull fracture caused by a projectile that witnesses believed was a tear gas or smoke canister fired by the police. He has recently been released from the hospital and has difficulty speaking.

(See color photo and read article) Occupy Oakland protesters carry Scott Olsen away after he was hit in the head on Tuesday night. Photograph: Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images

Scott made it through a war abroad to be injured in a war at home. Standing up for the 99%, Scott has done his best service to our country  in the streets of Oakland. I have never met Scott, but I have met veterans like him who want accountability and change that moves our nation away from embracing warfare toward ending it. Scott is a member of Veterans For Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War.
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About Michael T. McPhearson