Every 9-11 I find myself depressed. Depressed not because of the horrific attacks. I am depressed by our nation’s mindless and fearful reaction. It was exactly what the planners of the 9-11 horror wanted. As a result, the U.S. has been at war for 13 years with no end in sight. U.S. war-making has killed thousands, maimed thousands more and displaced millions. Al Qaeda and the Taliban continue to thrive and now a new force known as ISIL has emerged. Violence radicalizes people towards more violence. We are teaching a generation that violence is the answer when clearly it is not.
U.S. response in the face of September 11, 2001 has not diminished hate. Hate is growing. The U.S. and al Qaeda are cosponsors of terror in the world today and parents of ISIL.
Today I cannot find any pride in being a U.S. American. Every 9-11 will be the same for me until my nation changes course and war is not our primary means to engage the world. The “strategy” the president unveiled last night to address ISIL is only more of the same. Nothing new, nothing creative, nothing that shows a realization that more war will lead simply to more war.
We should have listened to the words in this picture I took in NYC on September 11, 2001 as I walked to board a ferryboat to leave Manhattan for my home in at the time Montclair NJ. “Please join us. Send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.”
Let us list the evils: Abu Ghraib tortures and abuse, targeted executions/assassinations – none of whom were first put on trial, some of whom turned out to be mistakes – innocent people including women and children dying in bombings and drone strikes, people disappeared into Guantanamo Bay prison and the emergence of a sadistic strain of disfigured Islam to go along with the Christian Crusader mentality of some U.S. leaders. This September 11, 2014 is a witness to U.S. foreign policy creating much more evil in the world than good. God Bless America? God Forgive America, please.