Dear Reader,
The is the latest incarnation of an idea that began to take shape in 1995. I was searching for a way to express my ideas and bring together other people’s thoughts on the socio-economic issues effecting African-Americans. I believe that if the many social and political camps in the African-American community develop collective concepts and approaches to advance inclusive community building, we can effect change at a pace that has yet to be seen in U.S. American history.
The original idea took shape as CONVERSATIONS, a name inspired by Stevie Wonder’s album Conversation Peace. From January 1996 to October 1998 I published four paper pamphlets. During that time I struggled with the reality that the oppression of dark-skinned people is not happening in a vacuum. One cannot accurately discuss Black oppression without addressing other forms of oppression. The battle is with the monster of oppression and must be fought on all fronts or the monster will win by using the ancient strategy of divide and conquer.
Conversations evolved into two websites Aithiops and Cpeace. Both e-zines were intended to provide alternative views to give people information to make decisions that help forward the cause of social and economic justice. But Aithiops explored the African-American world experience in socio-economic and geo-political contexts, while Cpeace explored all forms of oppression and offer paradigms to help develop a credible vision of world peace. I have decided to combine both into which also provides some entertainment, personal experiences and more light hearted stories and information.
Thank you taking partaking. I hope you enjoy.
Michael T. McPhearson
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